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I have created a blend of oils that will aid you during the labor process. My labor oil blend consists of:

A blend of Lavender, Orange, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Roman Chamomile, & Helichrysum Oils in Grapeseed Oil. All oils are pure essential oils.

Reiki infused


Available in a 1 ounce spray bottle or 1 ounce rollon bottle for your convenience.

Not only can essential oils help relieve pain, but they can also help keep you relaxed and grounded to help your labor progress well. There are even essential oils that can help with stalled labor. This listing is for a 10ml roll-on bottle or 15ml dropper bottle ( perfect to add to a diffuser). Listed below are a few of the oils in the blend and their benefits.




Lavender Essential Oil- Lavender is a very versatile essential oil you can use all throughout your labor to promote relaxation and help relieve pain. You can even use it to help heal any bruising your baby may have gotten during birth.


Frankincense Essential Oil- Frankincense is an amazing essential oil for labor. Use it to calm your emotions by inhaling the aroma. It helps relieve pain by rubbing the oil onto the lower back or on your tummy. Also, if you tear “down there” you can apply frankincense directly to the area to help with pain and healing.


Helichrysum Essential Oil- Helichrysum essential oil is great to use on your perineum during delivery to prevent trauma and tearing. It helps prevent swelling for you and also the baby as it comes through the birth canal. You can just use a small amount of helichrysum with a carrier oil and rub it on. This is great to use in combination with a ginger compress on your perineum.


Clary Sage Essential Oil- Clary Sage is a versatile essential oil for labor. It causes more effective contractions, so you can put a few drops on your inner ankles to keep labor progressing well. You can also try this as a natural way to induce labor. It can also be used to reduce pain and aid in circulation.







Absolutely no statements here shall be understood to diagnose, treat, or prescribe any condition, or offer medical advice of any kind. Information contained here is not a substitution for advice given by your health practitioner. All information, content and product descriptions are for educational purposes. Please read the ingredient list, below, just in case you are allergic to anything.

Labor Oil Blend


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